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In other stories ....

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COLUMBIA ? The Rev. Lillian Cassidy-Smith, began an appointment as director of connectional ministries of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference Sept. 1. She was formerly in Nashville as associate general secretary of the Division on Ministries with Young People of the General Board of Discipleship.

FREDERICK ? Larry Snody, chairperson of the Outreach Committee at Brook Hill UMC, has been named president of the Frederick Habitat for Humanity?s Board of Directors. A retired pilot, he has led United Methodists in building Habitat homes in Brunswick and Emmitsburg.

WASHINGTON, D.C., - Cynthia Michelle Moore, a student at Wesley Theological Seminary, is one of 10 recipients of the 2006-2007 Georgia Harkness Scholarships from the General Board of Higher Education & Ministry. The scholarships go to women over 35 who are preparing for ordained ministry as a second career.

--Across the Conference is compiled and written by Linda Worthington.


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