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CUMBERLAND - Ellerslie UMC perhaps takes the prize for attendance at ROCK 2006. There were 20 teens and eight adults from the 250-member church who made the five-hour-plus drive for the weekend in Ocean City (270 miles).

ANNAPOLIS - Mount Zion UMC hosted the 1965 Wiley H. Bates High School class reunion in February, which included a memorial service for deceased members. Prior to desegregation, Bates was the only high school for African Americans in the area, opening in 1933. The last class graduated June 8, 1966, when the county ended secondary school segregation.

BALDWIN - Hannah Amoss, 22, a member of Union UMC, has been appointed to a two-year term on the National Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee by the president of the American Farm Bureau Federation. It is the first time in 12 years that someone from Maryland has been selected to serve on this committee.


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