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Hope Fund offers a chance to make a difference

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By Melissa Lauber
UMConnection Staff

'When God blesses you, you had better turn around and bless someone else,' said the Rev. Stephen Tillett. That act of giving holds the genesis of hope, and hope is something Asbury-Broadneck UMC is eager to share with the world.

They are not alone. More and more churches are giving to the Baltimore-Washington Conference HOPE Fund, an endeavor seeking to raise $1 million by 2008 to support the Global AIDS Fund, pastors and ministries in Zimbabwe, and to rebuild Mississippi churches that were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.

'These three areas of emphasis are vital ministries,' Tillett said. 'When you hear about something like the HOPE Fund that just makes sense, you respond as soon as possible.'

Asbury-Broadneck, whose members traveled to Mississippi and Alabama just days after Hurricane Katrina, contributed $3,000 to the fund.

At Centenary UMC in Shady Side, the congregation was also struck by the good sense of the HOPE Fund and responded quickly and with creativity, said the Rev. Chris Holmes, superintendent of the Annapolis District.

The church is developing an alternative giving program to benefit the HOPE fund and members are being encouraged to give half of the money they would normally spend on Christmas gifts to provide hope to those in need.

Gift cards have been designed to let people know that a gift of hope has been given in their honor.

The Rev. Daryl Williams, director of the HOPE Fund, encourages all churches to begin to respond generously to this opportunity for ministry.

Williams, who has been traveling to churches throughout the conference, provides answers to some frequently asked questions about the fund.

Q. Is participation in the HOPE Fund mandatory?
A. The HOPE Fund is a conferencewide commitment. We are depending on the participation of the entire conference to make the HOPE Fund a success.

Q. What materials are available about the HOPE Fund?
A. On the Baltimore-Washington Conference Web site ( you can find extensive information on the HOPE Fund. Printable materials available include pledge cards and brochures, as well as general information related to the fund and its objectives. In addition, there is a HOPE Fund video available on DVD for use with small groups and congregations to explain the HOPE Fund. DVDs were shown at Charge Conference or you may contact the United Methodist Foundation of the Baltimore-Washington Conference.

Q. I did not receive a pledge card. When should I have my pledge card back to the Conference Center?
A. Pledge cards were sent to all churches immediately following annual conference. New cards are available and should be returned to the Conference Center as soon as possible so we can accurately tabulate our progress towards our goal.

Q. When are pledged funds due?
A. We are always in the process of collecting monies for the HOPE Fund. Checks should be made payable to 'Conference Treasurer,' and the memo line should read HOPE Fund.

Q. Can we designate the portion of the fund to which our contribution goes?A. You can state a preference as to which portion of the fund you would like to support, but the HOPE Fund has a very broad mission. All funds that are contributed will be used to bring hope to suffering people both at home and abroad.

Q. What level should we select?
A. Be aggressive. The Bishop?s Circle of $30 per worshiper over three years is $10 per year per worshiper or a one time gift of $30. Even as a single gift, $30 equals less than a $1 a week.

Q. How much has been raised for the HOPE Fund to date?
A. To date we have just under $300,000 in pledges. This is a great start but we need the participation of all the churches in the conference to reach our goal. Your generous giving is very important to reaching our goal of bringing HOPE to the world.

Q. Can a representative come and speak to my congregation about the HOPE Fund?
A. The HOPE Fund is an agenda item for Charge Conferences this year. Information about the HOPE Fund will be available as well as the opportunity to ask questions. In addition, it is possible to invite guest speakers to your congregation to speak about the HOPE Fund.


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