At Annual Conference 2006 the Baltimore-Washington Conference took on the challenge of building a bridge of hope that would serve as a concrete response to some of the most critical problems facing our world today. Meeting that challenge took the form of the HOPE Fund.
The HOPE Fund is a conference wide missions endeavor to raise $1 million by Annual Conference 2008 to bring hope to three seemingly hopeless situations.
The funds raised will support our partnership with Zimbabwe, lend support to the Global AIDS Fund, and rebuild churches that were destroyed in Mississippi by Hurricane Katrina.
So far the conference has raised almost $300,000 in gifts to the HOPE Fund. With those gifts we have already financed construction of a church in Zimbabwe, began work on the medical clinic in Munari and given $50,000 towards the Global AIDS Fund. Your dollars are making a difference, but there is much more work to be done.
To reach the goal of $1,000,000 by Annual Conference 2008, we need the participation of all of the churches in the Baltimore-Washington Conference. We ask you to consider having your church join one of the pledging circles. The Circle of Hope are churches that pledge to give $20 per worshiper to the HOPE Fund by Annual Conference 2008. For a church with 100 worshipers that would be a total pledge of $2,000. For those churches that want to go the extra mile we ask that they pledge at the Bishop's Circle level. The Bishop's Circle are churches that give $30 per worshiper. For a church with 100 worshipers that would be a pledge of $3,000.
By banding together we can not only meet, but exceed the goal that we have set for ourselves. Below you will find a list of the contributions to date to the HOPE Fund. We need all of our churches to be a part of making the difference of HOPE. Please consider joining one of the circles, together we can make a real difference.
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