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Highlighting a warm welcome

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Who glows in fluorescent yellow and green T-shirts and walks around looking for people who seem to need help finding their way?

Highlighters, of course.

Highlighters are a new phenomena. They will be a welcoming presence at this year's session of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, May 26-29, modeling hospitality for everyone who crosses their paths.

Bishop John R. Schol has requested that there be a focus at annual conference this year on demonstrating what it means to provide hospitality, said the Rev. Evan D. Young, pastor of Living Springs Christian Fellowship in Bowie, and coordinator of the Highlighters ministry. Highlighters will model behaviors which should be used in all of our churches, he said.

Such a ministry takes on added importance this year as annual conference takes place in a new location, the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel, after being held for several years at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington, D.C.

'We want to help people make connections and have a pleasant time at annual conference,' said Young. Highlighters will greet and direct members, guests and speakers to the places they need to be, and answer general questions or direct them to others who can better assist them, he said.

Highlighters will also occupy a booth at the registration location to assist conference participants. Young said that he still needs volunteers of all ages for Thursday through Saturday, but he is particularly interested in introducing young people to the connectional system through the Highlighters program.

'For us to have a future, we must connect to the younger generation today,' he said. Teens who are still in high school will receive credit for community service hours, and all Highlighters will receive meals during their service time. A special group will serve as Highlighters on Sunday.

Shifts will range from two to four-and-a-half hours. There will be a time of orientation prior to each shift, Young said. Highlighters will be on duty in the mornings before the business and worship begin and throughout the sessions.

The Rev. Evan Young is encouraging anyone who wants to serve the annual conference as a Highlighter to e-mail or fax him, at or (301) 352-9102 (fax). He can also be reached by telephone at (301) 352-9040.


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