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Health programs empower church to stretch ministry

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First UMC in Laurel meets the community at its point of need with its innovative health ministries.


United Methodist Committee on Relief

The developing health ministry at First UMC in Laurel is shaping the congregation's identity.

"Discipleship under Jesus Christ is holistic, both spiritual and physical, and following Jesus requires our whole selves; the healthier we are, the more able we are to be about the will of God," said the Rev. Christ Owens, the church's pastor.

Using the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Web site to help guide the mission, Becky Boeckman is forming a diverse health ministry team to emphasize holistic health in the congregation and their community.

The congregation experienced a baby boom in their congregation this year. Over the course of 12 months, 13 babies - including four sets of twins - were born. Boeckman, a faith community nurse, developed a program of respite, meals, advocacy and edu-cation to help the new families.

One of the moms, Lavonne Swank, started a walking club and invited the new parents to push their baby strollers while discussing topics such as pediatricians, nutrition and general health and safety.

"As a former Navy wife, I know what it is like having to raise children while your husband is out to sea. A number of the families with new babies are military and others also do not have close relatives to help. The church becomes our family," Boeckman explained.

This new ministry reaches well beyond the new moms' program and provides comprehensive support to those who are ill or homebound in their community.

When Lee Ruby, who directs the church's nurture and evangelism programs, was diagnosed with prostate cancer, one of the members coordinated a transportation service to drive him to the treatment center and Boeckman served as one of the drivers. She assessed and made recommendations about his nutrition and set up a schedule for members of the congregation to provide meals.

Now cancer free, Ruby and Boeckman work closely together to reach out to homebound members of the congregation, complementing each other's respective roles.

The newest focus of the health ministry is integrating the gifts of special needs members and sharing them with the community. In addition to a woman with Down syndrome and teenager with severe mental retardation, Owen's new son has Down syndrome. By educating the congregation and honoring the gifts of all in their community, Owens hopes to create a welcoming environment for other families with special needs members.

"First UMC is a wonderful example of how a commitment to wellness ministry is driven by a desire to mirror Jesus' holistic ministry," said Patricia Magyar, executive for Global Ministries' Health and Welfare unit. "As part of the United Methodist connection, Global Ministries provides resources and networks for churches like First UMC to strengthen and grow their programs."

One resource offered to churches wanting to start or nurture congregational health is the upcoming Empowering Health Ministries Conference. From Sept. 21-24, in Lake Junaluska, N.C., the conference will provide people like Boeckman the opportunity to share information about successful health ministry programs while networking with other faith community nurses. The conference will empower the church community to provide a wellness service that is an effective ministry tool to serve its congregants in mind, body and spirit.


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