Groups invited to speak
The Baltimore-Washington Conference delegation to General Conference is issuing an invitation to any established caucus, committee or ad hoc group that would like to share information about issues coming before General Conference.
General Conference, the top policy-making body of The United Methodist Church, meets every four years to revise The Book of Discipline (church law) and adopt resolutions on current moral, social, public policy and economic issues. It also approves plans and budgets for churchwide programs for the next four years.
Eight clergy and eight lay people from the Baltimore-Washington Conference will be a part of the 1,000 member conference when it meets in Fort Worth, Texas, April 23 through May 2, 2008.
At the last session of General Conference, the delegates considered 1,605 petitions on a vast array of topics. To help them learn more about how they will shape the future of the church before they vote on this session?s batch of petitions, the local delegation is inviting groups to make half-hour presentations on subjects that will be coming before General Conference.
At their most recent meeting, the delegates heard from representatives from Deaf, Hispanic and African-American groups.
To respond to the invitation, groups can contact the delegation?s chairs, Delores Oden at or the Rev. Laura Easto at .
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