Group sews dress for Africa
GALESVILLE – Teresa Jett, a member of Galesville UMC, spearheads a group that is making dresses for little girls, ages infant to 12 years old, to send through an organization called “Little Dresses for Africa.” Not only are several members of the church involved, but the sewing group, which meets regularly at the church every Monday afternoon, also includes people from other South County churches and the community.
The 14 women of the “Monday Stitchers” create the dresses from donated pillow cases, following a simple pattern. They will be sent to orphanages in Malawi.
Little Dresses for Africa reports that what started with a goal of 1,000 dresses for one village in Malawi has, in its first year, received more than 11,000 dresses from 28 states, which will be distributed in at least six other countries.
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