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Gratitude fuels a song of praise

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Psalm 98 Acts 10:44-48 John 15:9-17

By George Hackey

One of the most popular musical selections of praise in our church is titled; 'I get excited, when I think about the Lord.' When we read Psalm 98, we can only imagine the joy and excitement in the heart of its author, King David. Like the surrounding psalms it proclaims kingdom praise of the entire earth for the most sovereign Lord.

David proclaims: 'Sing to the Lord a new song for he has done marvelous things; his right hand and his holy arm have gained him the victory.'

David greatly declares in Psalm 98 that his Lord is merciful and faithful to his people, and expresses an explosion of total praise to the Lord from all of creation, exalting the Lord as he celebrates his goodness and blessings. This psalm forms David?s theological heart, that the Lord reigns, a Lord of justice and righteousness; how can he not be excited?

The good news is that we too can be excited about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let?s get excited. Jesus has given us the victory over sin, Satan, and death.

We can get excited as we experience Jesus as our King and Messiah, who lovingly and faithfully enacts justice and righteousness for all people, and as we experience his love and saving grace in our redeemed lives.

Perhaps we, like David, can recall the Lord?s mighty power in our lives as we stood face to face with our own trials and tribulations; and how it was the Lord who gave us the victory. Perhaps we too can remember the numerous times Jesus protected us from the fiery darts and snares of the devil, from worldly temptations and from sin.

We can get excited when we realize that the battle is not ours, it?s the Lord?s.

Let?s get excited on our Discipleship Adventure: celebrate in our worship services; connect our hearts together as we fellowship in love; develop our faith as we grow spiritually in studying God?s word; serve one another with the love of Christ and share the Good News with the entire world.

The Lord said that David was a man after his own heart. We too can be Christians after the Lord?s own heart. We too can sing to the Lord a new song.

If we?re on fire for the Lord and allow the Holy Spirit to fuel our faith we will surely bear much fruit. To God be the glory!

The Rev. George Hackey is pastor of Sharp Street UMC in Sandy Spring.

for the Discipleship Adventure

Celebrate:  What hymn expresses your excitement and lifts you in 'total praise?'  Sing that song at the top of your lungs (even if it?s in the shower!), and move your body into a posture that expresses the praise and joy that you feel as you sing.

Connect and Share:  At your family table or at a meal with a friend, share the hymn you have chosen and tell your family or your friend why that particular hymn expresses your praise.

Develop:  This Psalm is 'a triumphant hymn probably used in the temple at the Jewish new year' (source:, and it celebrates what God has done for God?s people ? a reminder of why we praise. Rewrite this psalm in your own words, inserting the things God has done for you.



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