Grant aids victims of domestic abuse
The Baltimore-Washington Conference has been selected as a recipient of a HOPE II (Helping Outreach Programs to Expand) grant to expand its Justice For Our Neighbors (JFON) immigration program to better serve undocumented victims of domestic abuse.
This grant facilitates the establishment of a JFON Domestic Abuse Immigration Relief Clinic, also known as DAIR, which will assist undocumented survivors of domestic abuse in self-petitioning the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) for legal immigration status under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
JFON is part of a national program of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), designed to support local churches in ministry with their communities. JFON?s mission states that it 'is a faith-driven ministry, welcoming immigrants into our churches and communities by providing free, high-quality immigration legal services, education, and advocacy.'
DAIR provides free legal advice and counsel from a JFON attorney and strategically utilizes volunteers as liaisons who, under the supervision of the JFON attorney, provide ongoing assistance to clients. The volunteer liaisons assist individuals, who qualify under VAWA, to prepare self-petitions and applications for permanent resident status, and help with referrals to other professionals and social service organizations for the immigrant?s other needs.
Through the volunteers, DAIR allows the BWC to expand its legal immigration services to better serve survivors of domestic abuse who are eligible for permanent resident status under VAWA. JFON, which already holds monthly immigration intake clinics, is establishing a separate, monthly DAIR clinic to inform and educate survivors of domestic abuse about immigration relief available under VAWA. DAIR also offers domestic abuse survivors warm, welcoming hospitality in a safe and empowering environment.
The first DAIR to Care monthly clinic and the DAIR to Care volunteer training will be held in January 2007 at Emory UMC. The DAIR clinics will be held monthly, with the exception of August and December. The DAIR volunteer training will fully prepare volunteers in serving undocumented survivors of domestic abuse with integrity, compassion and respect.
The Baltimore Washington Conference JFON program is one of 28 organizations selected from 181 applications for the HOPE II grant.
The Hope II project ? a joint initiative of the U.S. Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) and the Maryland Crime Victims' Resource Center, Inc. (MCVRC) ? enables small faith-based and/or community-based organizations the opportunity to create, expand, or improve delivery of victim services in high-crime urban areas from May 31, 2006 until March 31, 2007. HOPE II goals are to increase: (1) the number of crime victims served in the target community; (2) train service providers to assist victims of crime; and/or (3) assist agencies in collaborating and forming networks with victim service agencies.
Tara L. Seabrook is Volunteer Coordinator for the DAIR Clinic of Justice For Our Neighbors of the Baltimore-Washington Conference. If interested in becoming a DAIR volunteer, contact her at (202) 722.4220, Ext. 1.
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