General Conference: A call to prayer
To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.
- -Martin Luther King, Jr.
Just as prayer is as essential to the Christian life as breath, so prayer is essential to our shared life together as we prepare for General Conference 2008.
We on the General Conference Hosting Committee Prayer Ministries Team invite you to pray daily for General Conference 2008 and for all the preparations and deliberations leading up to it so that in all that we do we are 'rooted and grounded in love.'
We as a church need the cleansing, healing and gbwc_superusering breath of prayer as we tend to all of the details in preparation for General Conference 2008, as the delegates prepare, deliberate and discern, and for every other large and small thing that goes into General Conference.
Please join us. We pray that our work before and during General Conference 2008 may itself be an act of prayer and that we will be attentive through it all to God's Presence in the Holy Spirit. We pray that through it all, we may follow the lead of the Good Shepherd, Jesus the Christ, and that we are able to let go as we offer and entrust all things to the Holy One.
O Holy One, Be Thou our Vision,
for the church?
For all the United Methodist Conferences?
We pray for Your gbwc_superuserance and Your strength.
Be Thou our Vision for the world?
We pray for Your justice and Your peace.
Through Your amazing grace?
Help us to see what we need to see?
Help us to be who You call us to be?
O Holy One, let our breathing lead us into a place of ever deepening faith.
Let us be awake to the Divine Indwelling where you promise, '
I shall live in them and I shall walk the corridors of their heart.'
Let this be a time of?
Holy Listening?Holy Conversations? and Holy Conferencing.
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