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Gambling a bad bet

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article reprinted from the UMConnection: Commentary
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February 18, 2004


VOL. 15, NO.4



Gambling a bad bet

The Laurel Clergy Association opposes the governors plan to fund education in Maryland with revenue from slot machines. In an effort to back our words with concrete action, the clergy recently gave $1,250 to the principal of Laurel High School and announced plans to adopt 14 public schools in the Laurel area.

Its not enough to be known for what were against. We also have to help our leaders with finding a solution because these are serious matters.

When we presented the money to the school, we also issued a statement. I share it with others in the United Methodist connection fighting against legalizing slots in Maryland:

As leaders of Laurels faith communities, we unanimously oppose the legalization of casino-style gambling in Maryland in all forms, including the placing of slot machines at horse racing venues.

Casino-style gambling has been shown to be a predatory practice taking funds primarily from those who can least afford to give them. Our governments at every level have a responsibility to protect the poor and the elderly, not to seek to manipulate additional funds from them.

We call on the state government to wean itself from the proceeds of the Maryland lottery which so clearly preys on the citizens in Marylands most underserved and poorest communities.

Casino gambling is an inconsistent source of revenue. The desire to adequately fund our schools is far too important to depend on such an unstable source of funding. It is an unwise choice based solely on economics. As the state attorney general has clearly stated, the increased social costs generated from crime, addiction and family destruction will significantly offset the revenue generated to the government from the taxes and fees paid by the gambling industry. The need for additional government services, expensive infrastructure improvements and other related costs make casino gambling a bad bet for Maryland.

Casino gambling is an unacceptable moral choice because it places the government in the position of sponsoring a dangerous addiction which will have a profoundly negative affect on families in our community.

We call on local governments, businesses and other community leaders to follow our example and help provide support for our schools. We call on all of our elected leaders to display the moral courage and political wisdom to oppose casino gambling in Maryland.

We will encourage our congregations to vote according to their conscience when they are fully aware of the positions taken by our elected officials. We ask our elected leaders to join us in doing what is right for all of Marylands citizens, especially the poorest, and to not succumb to the political expedience of serving wealthy special interests.

The Rev. Dennis Whitmore is pastor of First UMC and vice president of the Laurel Clergy Association.

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