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Fund invests in mission, ministry

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On April 17, congregations in the Baltimore-Washington Conference will observe Endowment Sunday by contributing to a fund that invests in vital mission and ministry.

The Conference Endowment Fund was created in 1992 to tell the Gospel story through new church growth, training and development, and by providing a platform for evangelism and spiritual formation. Today, the fund is valued at an estimated $1.8 million.

The money is loaned to churches or invested, and interest income is given away as grants for the creation or expansion of exceptional ministries.

The Loans and Grants Committee, comprised of equal members from the Board of Congregational Life and the Stewardship Center and Foundation, meets bimonthly.

There is currently more than $3,261,000 in outstanding loans to local congregations. The committee urges those churches to repay their loans so that the money paid back can be used to help other churches.

In addition to loans, in the last fiscal year, more than $193,500 in grants were made available to support congregational programs that focus on discipleship engagement. Unfortu-nately, no additional funds will be available for 2005, with the exception of emergency loans.

In the past, the grants and loans have created many vital success stories.

According to the Rev. Stan Cardwell, pastor of St. Paul's UMC in Leonardtown, 'Significant initiatives have begun as a result of the seeds planted by a grant provided by the Baltimore-Washington Conference.'

One example, he said, is the launching of ROC (Reaching Out for Christ), a Saturday night worship event with a contemporary style and focus on the unchurched youth, teens and young families in the community. Attendance averages just over 100 per week.

At Wesley Freedom UMC in Eldersburg, 'The courage of the congregation to move from a half-time position to a full-time position has proven to be fruitful beyond most people's expectations,' said the Rev. Richard McCullough. 'The conference grant gave us that courage and for that we are deeply grateful.'

For more information on the conference endowment fund and how you can contribute, contact treasurer Pier McPayten at or (410) 309-3464.

Ann Whisenhunt is chairwoman of the Endowment Fund. She is a member of Wesley UMC in Washington, D.C.


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