Fire, Faith, Fruits: Obedience meets grace
Exodus 20:1-17
1 Corinthians 1:18-25
John 2:13-22
I used to think that Christian life was easy because all we had to do was obey the Ten Commandments. The commandments are straightforward. They state simply what to do and what not to do. Moreover, there are only 10 of them, one for each finger. Just count, memorize and live them.
As I grew older, my understanding of the commandments began to expand, but my surprise was tested to its limits when I found out that Pharisaic Judaism of our Lord?s time counted 613 commandments. Were they too many? For those who cherished them ?they were more to be desired than fine gold.? But how far can we go with them in life?
A group of young Christians, along with John Wesley at Oxford, experimented with obedience to God?s commands. They disciplined themselves to live by them and other social austerities. Their strict lifestyle earned them the nicknames 'Holy Club' and 'Methodists.' They were surprised to learn that Christian life did not begin with commandments.
The apostle Paul provides the best model for God-focused life. He grew up, learned and observed the keeping of the commandments most fervently. He was a leader and mentor on matters of law. But there came a time when he realized that his perspective was lopsided. He had to begin with God in order to live the law more fully.
Paul discovered the secret when he became a follower of Jesus. He found in Jesus the power and the wisdom of God. In following Jesus he discovered that he was fulfilling the requirements of the law to the fullest extent spontaneously. In loving God fully as known in Jesus Christ, he loved fellow human beings as never before. He would never have stepped into a Gentile home had it not been for Christ.
A learned Muslim friend once shared with me his view of three religions. Judaism, he said, is about holiness of God; Christianity is about the love of God; and Islam is about the greatness of God.
This is a fair perception. We find the adherents of these religions focused on the 'above' in their daily lives. Judaism focuses on God?s holiness and holy people. For Christianity, loving like the Lord Jesus Christ cannot be surpassed. Islam thrives by the slogan, 'God is great.' In all three religions the commandments kept are understood through the prism of their specific perspective.
The spirit of Christ is the secret of Christian life. Obeying the commandments begins with Jesus. When we follow him closely, we fulfill the rest of the spirituality, including obedience to the commandments. When we neglect being his followers, we are left with obeying them for moral or ethical satisfaction. We miss out on the deeper implications and the spirit of the commandments and the power to fulfill them.
When we love Jesus, instead of praying to him, we learn to obey the commandments more fully. They are no longer just some rules to follow, but become a natural part of our living. Living as disciples of Christ means living in awareness of the commandments and fulfilling them.
The Rev. Paul Benjamin, retired, is pastor of Emory UMC in Street.
A DEVOTIONAL: For the Discipleship Adventure
Celebrate ? The fourth commandment calls us to Sabbath rest. If you could design a day that focused solely on rest, renewal and your relationship with God, how would you spend your time? Consider having such a day.
Connect ? The Rev. Paul Benjamin talks about how John Wesley and his 'Holy Club' were gbwc_superusered by the commandments and shaped by grace. Who in your life helps hold you accountable for living the Discipleship Adventure? How might you strengthen that relationship so that you grow more fully in your relationship with Christ?
Develop ? Rewrite the 10 Commandments in your own words, changing the negative commands, so that they are phrased in a positive manner. How does changing the 'shalt nots,' to 'shalls,' affect the way you respond to them? Exodus 20:1 reads: 'And God spoke all these words.' What words is God speaking to you today through these Scripture passages?
Serve ? Honor your mother and father.
Faith sharing ? Whether the 10 Commandments can be displayed in court rooms and other public settings has been a topic of much debate lately. What is one way you might publicly display your faith this week?
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