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Fire destroys sanctuary

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Sharp Street UMC in Chase was struck by lightning.
It was 3:30 a.m. when lightening struck Sharp Street UMC in Chase Friday, Aug. 28. By the time fire trucks responded, the sanctuary of the 145-year-old wood and cinder block church, located in the semi-rural area around Chase, was all but destroyed.

The pastor and community were alerted to the fire by the newly upgraded security system, connected to a smoke alarm and a 24-hour-a-day monitoring service, which informed 911.

The sanctuary was built in 1972; the fellowship hall, now occupies the space of the original church building. It did not burn but is currently unusable, said the Rev. Wayne DeHart, the Guide for the region, who with several other conference leaders, visited the site Saturday. The damage there from water and smoke is repairable.

A structural engineer confirmed to the Rev. Valerie Barnes, Sharp Street’s pastor, that the roof “definitely has to come down.” Parts inside the sanctuary would need to be shored up and the walls stabilized. In addition, there is four to six inches of water in the lower level that will need to be pumped out, she said.

Contrary to some public reports, Barnes said there has been no dollar amount yet determined as to the amount of damage the fire did.

The fire rallied people in the community to help. The neigh-boring churches, Ebenezer and Piney Grove UMCs that make up the Chase Cooperative Parish, came immediately to Sharp Street’s aid. Ebenezer offered a place to worship.

The Sharp Street congregation held their own Sunday worship service at Ebenezer at a time separate from the church’s regular schedule.

“We need our own time to grieve a little bit,” said the Rev. Valerie Barnes. “We need time to talk this out amongst ourselves, to discern how God is leading us.”

One point to consider is what will happen to the Sharp Street food pantry.

“There’s conversation underway to find a home for Sharp Street’s food pantry at Piney Grove,” said the Rev. Cindy Burkert, who is lead pastor for the Cooperative Parish.

After services on Sunday, Piney Grove served lunch. “It was sweet over lunch to see the number of people who discovered they already knew each other,” Burkert said.



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