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Fabian strikes conference church in Bermuda

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article reprinted from the UMConnection: Commentary
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SEPT17, 2003


VOL. 14, NO. 17


Fabian strikes conference church in Bermuda

On Sept. 5 Hurricane Fabian, the most powerful storm to hit Bermuda in 50 years, struck Marsden First UMC, a congregation affiliated with the Baltimore-Washington Conference.

It seems an earthquake, hurricane and tornado all came together in the same area for a dance, said the Rev. Joseph Whalen, the churchs pastor. The church is located in the town of Smiths Parish. Minutes seemed like hours and hours seemed liked an eternity. The threat of death was in every moment, Whalen said.

The winds were reported at up to 160 miles-per-hour. Sixty million dollars of damage was done, according to early estimates. At least one in three homes had some damage, said Whalen. The road in walking distance from my home buckled. There was a boulder in the middle of the road that I dont know how it got there.

Bermuda was devastated.

Two people in Whalens congregation lost their homes to the winds that assaulted the island.

Of particular concern are the hundreds of roofs that were ripped off of homes, especially with the hurricane season stretching before them until the end of November, Whalen said.

Approximately 62,000 people live in Bermuda.

News reports also indicate that four people are missing and presumed dead, after their cars blew off a causeway near the airport.

Marsden First UMC is a mission church of the General Board of Global Ministries that is affiliated with the Baltimore-Washington Conference. Efforts are underway to make the church a part of this conference, said the Rev. Ed Ankeny, superintendent of the Baltimore North District.

These efforts include an on-going relationship of mission, Christian education and fellowship. Ankeny spoke with Whalen via telephone shortly after communications were restored.

Conference churches that wish to contribute funds directly for the relief efforts of Marsden First UMC can send checks, marked Bermuda Hurricane, to the Conference Treasurer at 7178 Columbia Gateway Drive, Columbia MD 21046.

Whalen is also anxious to get volunteers to help with the relief and rebuilding efforts, although no official process had been set as this issue went to press.

We need volunteers who can give labor getting Bermuda back in shape, he said.

Those who wish to send prayers or good wishes to the Bermuda congregation can address them to P.O. Box HS12, Harrington Sound, HS BX Bermuda.

At the request of Bishop Felton Edwin May, who worshipped at Marsden First UMC the Sunday before the hurricane, the United Methodist Committee on Relief is sending an emergency grant of $10,000 to help Bermuda recover from Fabian. Those who wish to contribute to hurricane relief efforts throughout this year can send checks to the Conference Treasurer, marked UMCOR Hurricanes 2003. Credit card donations can be made by calling (800) 554-8583.

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