'Empty Bowls' help the homeless
COCKEYSVILLE ? Children, youth and adults from Epworth UMC came together to help the homeless in Baltimore as they held an Empty Bowls dinner.
Tickets for the dinner were $15, and the hand-decorated bowls as well as the soups were all donated. Catering companies provided the food. The members of the church provided the bowls.
But they weren?t just any old bowls. The church partnered with a local ceramic painting shop, where members painted the bowls with their own colorful designs, skills and love. Some of the bowls were chosen to be signed by U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski and Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon. Ticket holders for the soup meal were given the bowls.
The proceeds benefited Beans and Bread and Sarah?s Hope in Baltimore.
'This fund raiser helped our church to learn about homelessness in Baltimore and to provide us a way to help support them,' said Kim Ayres-Ashby, lay member to annual conference.
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