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Ehrlich preaches in Aberdeen

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article reprinted from the UMConnection: Commentary
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November 5, 2003


VOL. 14, NO. 20


Ehrlich preaches in Aberdeen

Maryland Governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., a United Methodist, spoke Oct. 19 at Grace UMC in Aberdeen. Ehrlich was one of several area political leaders acknowledged at the Laity Sunday worship service there.

The father of a young son, Drew, Ehrlich is also an expectant father. He gave the congregation rules for children to live by. They included: listen to your mom, dad and teachers; respect your friends; tell the truth; be considerate; use your manners; do your homework; brush your teeth; say your prayers and root against the New York Yankees.

For those who have lived a little longer, Ehrlich offered an additional set of gbwc_superuserelines to live by. They included: Admire the God-given talents of others, but distinguish the talent from the person; understand the obligation to give back to your community, respect opinions that differ from your own; be careful of even small compromises; be a leader and have integrity.

Integrity is the essential foundation of any successful person and its more than just doing the right thing when no one is looking, although thats a pretty good definition of integrity, the governor said.

Integrity means a person who knows and fears God, a person who desires to please God, a person who is transparent to God, a person who has nothing to hide from God, a person who tries to do the right thing in life because it pleases God, a complete person of faith.

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