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for discipleship

E-quip is a new component on the Baltimore-Washington Conference Web site ( that allows any and every church leader to share ideas and best practices to build Acts 2 churches.

Recently, the Discipler Groups, made up of clergy throughout the conference who meet monthly, shared some of their insights about equipping and empowering laity.

? Be a permission-giving church.
? On Labor Day, invite people to bring business cards to the altar as they dedicate their work to God. Afterwards, the pastoral team will have information about the laity that they can use to make connections with ministry.
? Leaders can identify an 'apprentice' to take under their wing and train both spiritually and in the task at hand.
? Ask leaders in each of the five areas of the Discipleship Adventure (celebrating, connecting, developing, serving and faith-sharing) to lead worship for a month and on those Sundays lift up stories from that area of ministry as they invite others to participate.
? Encourage the congregation to participate in community organizations. Honor community service organizations in worship and provide them with a financial gift; build partnerships.
? Have a lay person accompany the pastor when they serve Communion to shut-ins.
? Promote, teach and affirm spiritual gifts. Announce a spiritual gift of each new member as they are introduced to the congregation.
? Encourage and affirm those who support mission with prayers and financial assistance.
? Make effective use of technology, to free up time for ministry.
? Move from a volunteer attitude to an attitude of 'calling.' People are called to ministry. This is a spiritual endeavor and involves accountability.
? Be very clear about expectations.
? Embrace high expectations. Expect every able-bodied, in-area member to be involved in ministry.

Do you have any ideas about empowering laity for ministry, or about celebrating, connecting, developing, serving, faith-sharing or stewardship. Share them at


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