Doris Judd - Obituary
Doris Judd, 90, a retired diaconal minister, died May 26, from congestive heart failure after a brief hospital stay. She was one of the oldest members of First UMC in Hyattsville. The Rev. Joan Carter-Rimbach officiated at a memorial service June 14.
Judd was a business administration diaconal minister, serving First UMC in that capacity since the mid-1970s until she retired officially in 1988. She continued on the paid staff at the church and later as a volunteer.
From the time she joined First UMC in 1952, she served the church in a variety of ministries.
Judd began her university studies at the age of 15 at American University in English and math. She worked at the Chinese embassy and as a substitute teacher. Later, she was certified as a diaconal minister from Wesley Theological Seminary.
She was predeceased by her husband, Gail Judd, who died in 1987.
Survivors include her daughter, Donnalee Sanderson, who is also a retired diaconal minister serving First UMC; two sons: Paul Judd of Kissimmee, Fla., and Wayne Judd of Greenbelt; four grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Condolences may be sent to Donnalee Sanderson, 3918 Longfellow St., Hyattsville, MD 20782.
Memorial gifts may be made to First UMC Communications Ministry, 6201 Belcrest Road, Hyattsville, MD 20782.
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