Dividing the work load
Dividing the work load
Delegates to General Conference will serve on one of 11 legislative committees. The delegates chose their committee assignments in the order they were elected at the annual conference session.
These committees spend the first week of General Conference dealing with petitions and offering recommendations of concurrence or non-concurrence to the full body.
A resolution must have the approval of General Conference before it is added to the denominations Book of Discipline or Book of Resolutions.
Name of Clergy Committee
Delegate Assignment
David Argo Faith and Order
Peggy Johnson Global Ministries
Marcus Matthews General Admin.
HiRho Park Church/Society
Frank Trotter Higher Ed./Ministry
Joe Daniels Discipleship
Mark Derby Local Church
Joan Carter-Rimbach Ind. Commissions
Laura Easto Judicial Admin.
Name of Lay Committee
Delegate Assignment
Sandra Ferguson Global Ministries
Calvin Williams Local Church
Tim Warner Discipleship
Mary Baldridge Church/Society
Darlynn McCrae Financial Admin.
Mike McCurry Higher Ed./Ministry
Tom Price General Admin.
Caroleann Myers Faith/Order
Ana Brito Conferences
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