Discipleship topples debt
Less than five years since its birth as a new church initiative, Covenant Point UMC in Waldorf has taken a discipleship leap by paying off the debt that enabled its creation.
Covenant Point was born from the demise of Gibbons-Resurrection Prayer Center in Brandywine in 1999, when the pastor and most of the congregation left the denomination.
In July, 2002, a core group of prayerful people, under the leadership of the Rev. Rodney Smothers, met for the first time. A year later, the 2003 annual conference chartered Covenant Point UMC.
With a 60-month loan from the conference Loans and Grants Committee for $198,000, the congregation leased and renovated a storefront into sacred space.
Realizing that the loan would need to be paid, the Rev. Antoine Love led the congregation in a creative campaign to reduce the debt. In 12 months, they raised over $68,000 to pay down the principal.
A year later, following a sermon Love based on Romans 8:37, the inspired congregation began the Victory Lap Campaign for another six months.
'In 18 months, the Point had taken in over $90,000,' Love said, and repaid the loan in 33 months. That wasn?t all.
The church also paid 100 percent of its 2006 apportionments in full. This is the first time the new church has paid its full apportionments.
'Thank God for this sign and wonder,' said district superintendent, the Rev. Ianther Mills.
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