Discipleship Crisis No Mystery
I read with interest the article 'Discipleship crisis looms' from the April 5 UMConnection. For years I?ve been reading hand-wringing articles addressing the problem of hemorrhaging loss of membership and the lack of new members in The United Methodist Church.
There are always many reasons for this dilemma, which usually amounts to the members not working hard enough to bring in new converts.
To be honest, I?ve been very guilty of this lack of enthusiasm in asking friends and neighbors to attend a United Methodist church. Why? Because I do not feel The United Methodist Church is truly Bible-based. I feel that by inviting new people in they will not hear the truth and thereby have their salvation jeopardized by a watered-down Gospel.
We need a church that will challenge us and require us to lead more holy and disciplined lives. We need a church that will stop being a coward and take courageous stands on tough social issues. We need a church that will be a bulwark against the world; not a church falling over itself to please the world.
We also need clergy not afraid to preach the Bible, the entire Bible, even if it breaks and crushes our hearts so that we will truly see our need for Christ?s forgiveness and love. People will respond to this Gospel. We don?t need any more praise bands, rallies, public relations campaigns or powder puff sermons.
Wayne C. Cameron
Emanuel UMC, Catonsville
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