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Discerning Into the Mission - By Rod Miller

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Discernment is increasingly the most important group work we do. Groups discern when they take time to invite conversations with multiple opinions and perspectives that eventually lead to a mutual sense of the way forward.

Discernment is increasingly the most important group work we do.

Groups discern when they take time to invite conversations with multiple opinions and perspectives that eventually lead to a mutual sense of the way forward.

They engage in a process that is open and responds to the lead and input of all interested participants. They take seriously the opportunity to accomplish something significant and to make a difference. They also look for ways to model what they are about by engaging in spiritual practices together and learning from their experiences.

When we are in a discerning mode, we are aware that there is more at play in our conversations than our own thoughts and ideas.

In discernment, hearts speak to hearts. Souls speak to souls. God’s spirit is given space to move in and among us leading to places that were before unknown, yet are somehow familiar.

There is a sense that we are going somewhere that no one could plan ahead of time. We do not end up where we started.

Underlying the discernment process is an understanding of call. God continues to move in and through people to bring about what God desires for all of creation as we have seen it most clearly in Jesus Christ.

What is God calling us as individuals and congregations to be doing now?

Leaders who are attuned, attentive and open to asking and listening to God and others inside and outside the church, and can draw out what is being shared in important conversations, are offering the kind of discerning work that is needed and resonant today.

Fully engaging the Baltimore-Washington Conference vision and mission requires discernment. Our conference vision and mission is “to be like Christ as we call, equip, send and support spiritual leaders to make disciples and grow Acts 2 congregations.”

Our goal is to see all of the conference’s congregations developing spiritual leaders who make disciples and grow Acts 2 congregations thereby living their faith in the world.

This mission rings out like a bell in the fog. It gives direction as to what to say yes to and what to say no to. It has us all on the same page and talking the same language.

The question is – what are we going to do that is Spirit led in each of our congregations to move forward with this mission? One approach is to divide the conference vision and mission statement into four parts and then to ask discerning questions about each one. That process could look like this.

Call, equip, send and support spiritual leaders
Discernment questions: What is a spiritual leader? What is involved in spiritual leadership? What can our congregation do to be growing spiritual leaders?

Make disciples
Discernment questions: Who are disciples? How do we make disciples? What can our congregation do to become more intentional about disciple-making?

Grow Acts 2 congregations
Discernment questions: What does an Acts 2 congregation look like? What do we need to address that is keeping us from becoming an Acts 2 congregation? What God-inspired vision do we have of the congregation and what steps do we need to take to get there?

Actively Live Faith in the World
Discernment questions: Discipleship is all about putting our faith to action. Disciples have impact in the world. What does actively living your faith look like? How can our congregation be more engaged in its community? Whose lives are being touched by our congregation?

Discerning responses to these questions individually and communally and then being and doing them are the heart of what it is to become like Christ. When we discern and act together, we become Christ’s body purposefully placed in this time to discover where God is leading us now. Look for opportunities for discerning conversations and be ready to hear and to sense God’s word for you.

The Rev. Rod Miller is a guide and the director of connectional ministries for the Baltimore-Washington Conference.


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