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Delegation reflects diversity of conference

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article reprinted from the UMConnection:  News Stories
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JUNE 25, 2003


VOL. 14, NO. 12




Delegation reflects diversity of conference

The Baltimore-Washington Conference is one of the most diverse in the denomination. At the recent session of annual conference, members cast 18 ballots, creating a slate of delegates that will represent that diversity at the 2004 General and Jurisdictional conferences.

Of the 44 delegates elected, nine clergy and nine lay people will serve at the General Conference; an additional nine clergy and nine lay people will join them at the Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference. Four clergy and four lay people were also elected as alternates to Jurisdictional Conference.

Among those elected, 25 are male, 19 are female.

The delegation is racially diverse with 17 black, 24 white, one Korean and two Hispanic members.

Of the 44 delegates, 14 clergy and nine lay people attended the 2000 General and Jurisdictional conferences.

One youth delegate was elected to Jurisdictional Conference.

Of the 18 General Conference delegates, eight have offices in the Conference Center.

A father, the Rev. Charles Harrell, and his son John Harrell, were elected to the jurisdictional delegation. The Rev. Mark Derby will attend General Conference, and his wife, Joyce F. Derby, is a delegate to the Jurisdictional Conference.

Throughout the balloting process, some members spoke in favor of ensuring that black clergy women be included in the delegation. Three were elected: one to General Conference, one to Jurisdictional and one as an alternate.

The Rev. David Argo will lead the delegation.

Clergy, General Conference:

  • A. David Argo
  • Peggy Johnson
  • Marcus Matthews
  • HiRho Park
  • Frank Trotter
  • Joseph Daniels
  • Mark Derby
  • Joan Carter-Rimbach
  • Laura Easto

Clergy, Jurisdictional Conference:

  • *Christopher Holmes
  • *Cynthia Belt
  • Vance P. Ross
  • Donald Stewart
  • Rodney Smothers
  • Charles Harrell
  • Yolanda Pupo-Ortiz
  • Ann Laprade
  • Philip Wogaman

Clergy, Jurisdictional Alternates:

  • David Simpson
  • Eugene Matthews
  • Barry Hidey
  • Mamie Williams

Laity, General Conference:

  • Sandra Ferguson
  • Calvin Williams
  • Timothy Warner
  • Mary Baldridge
  • Darlynn S. McCrae
  • Mike McCurry
  • Tom Price
  • Caroleann Myers
  • Ana A. Brito

Laity, Jurisdictional Conference:

  • *Sharon Leatherman
  • *John Harrell
  • Ruth G. Dixon
  • Judy Beisner
  • Joyce F. Derby
  • Robin M. Joynes
  • Patsy A. Barton
  • Henry A. Stewart
  • Ralph A. Williams

Laity Jurisdictional alternates:

  • Daniel Kenyon

  • Delores Martin

  • Curtis P. Brisbon

  • Ken Steward

*Alternate delegates to General Conference. Names are listed in order of election.

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