Defy Gravity
Romans 7:15-25a
By Kendrick Weaver
"I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate."
At first glance, this passage in Romans 7:15-25a brushes against our 21st century sensibilities. We don't have control over our actions? Sin takes us over? Nothing good dwells in us?
For many people this passage might as well read, "The devil made me do it."
Despite our faith in self-determination, free will, altruism and the greatness of human potential, this passage still strikes a cord somewhere inside of us.
From the most mundane aspects of our lives to the ones of utmost importance we have all experienced a sentiment, that lingers and whispers, "Why couldn't I get that right?"
We sometimes hear the refrains in our minds: "I really shouldn't eat this cake, but I can always start my diet tomorrow. I should buy a meal for that man standing on the corner, but oh, the light has changed - maybe next time. I should have told him I loved him but I will see him later. I really need to visit that person, but I am just so busy."
Many times we know what we should be doing, but we just don't do it or we understand what we shouldn't be doing, but we do it any way.
Call it whatever you like, the flesh, human nature or even laziness, but there is a force that pulls on us like gravity and hinders us from ushering forth God's Kingdom and will.
I love this particular passage because after all the mention of sin, regret, evil, lack of control, lack of understanding, frustration and wretchedness, the passage closes simply, "Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!"
Through Jesus Christ our Lord we are able to defy the gravitational pull of the flesh. When astronauts go into space, they can perform some tasks inside the space craft more efficiently if they are weighed down and not floating. So, while in space, they create a phenomenon called artificial gravity, in which they feel as if they are weighed down by gravity.
When astronauts are training to go to space, they need to become accustomed to the weightless environment for their space walks and duties outside the space craft. So, while on Earth, they create a phenomenon known as microgravity or zero gravity, in which they experience the weightlessness of a space environment.
In short, conditions on earth can be recreated in space, and conditions in space can be recreated on earth.
We must choose if we are going to recreate the conditions of heaven on earth through Jesus Christ, or are we going to put earthly limitations on God's heavenly kingdom?
We have the option to break the monotony of our routine and shatter the barriers of our doubt. Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ who gave us the power to defy the gravity of our flesh.
The Rev. Kendrick Weaver is
pastor of Glenn Dale UMC.
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