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Deaf ministry receives large grant

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BALTIMORE ? Carol Stevens, coordinator for the Deaf Shalom Zone, recently received notice of a $25,000 grant for the Substance Abuse Program for the Deaf Community Project at Christ UMC.

The grant, which is funded by apportionment dollars, came from the Program on Substance Abuse and Related Violence of the General Board of Global Ministries, based in Washington, D.C.

The grant will be used to send a deaf woman, who is a leader at Magothy Church of the Deaf in Pasadena, to a unique training program in Oklahoma only for people in recovery from additions, Stevens said. The program will train her to be an outreach worker in the community, filling a need to create a support system for deaf people in recovery.

The woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, had 'heavy duty addiction problems,' Stevens said.

The woman attributes her ability to stay in recovery to the support of the people of Magothy, Stevens said. 'If it weren't for the support of the church, she probably wouldn't make it.'


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