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Connectional Table reflections

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By Rod Miller

The Connectional Table meeting on Nov. 27 provided an opportunity for people to discuss and offer feedback in table groups to several questions posed. This article will highlight the questions and responses, and offer some summary thoughts about moving forward in relation to what was shared.

There were many responses to the question 'what is going well?' They included:

  • The Discipleship Adventure is getting a positive reception as a plan;
  • Placement of priority in the local church not the conference;
  • Materials for the Discipleship Adventure;
  • The Discipler Groups - fellowship of pastors enhanced by sharing;
  • More intentional effort for confessions of faith; and
  • Re-alignment of conference staff to resource the local church.'

To the question 'what needs further attention' there were several ideas shared including:

  • Information is not getting to persons in local churches;
  • Owning needs further attention;
  • Relational piece;
  • Young adult population needs to be addressed more;
  • Apportionment formula;
  • Are we afraid of being creative; and
  • Overcoming barriers to diversity.

The question 'what is blocking us' elicited quite a few ideas. Among them:

  • The preferred reality may seem too hard to achieve;
  • Not being heard;
  • Seeing the Discipleship Adventure as ?just another program?;
  • Some parts of the body feel ignored;
  • Need tools before beginning any evaluation process;
  • Fear of failure, risk taking, new/untried ideas; and
  • Need more conversation.

Responses to the question 'f you could change one thing at this time, what would it be?' included:

  • Commitment to growing disciples;
  • Rid the church of a negative spirit;
  • Attitude; and
  • Further consultation re: changes and better communication about them.

Phrases that were shared in response to the question 'What do we as Conference Leaders need to be aware of as we seek greater alignment and to grow Acts 2 churches' included:

  • Patience, persistence, listening and faith;
  • Role of the Holy Spirit;
  • Flexibility and grace;
  • Ideas need to get to the local church;
  • Raise the level of spiritual awareness/growth;
  • Lift up the vision and detail of what is an Acts 2 congregation;
  • Free ourselves and others to try new things;
  • Need more diversity representation.

The final question, 'What can I do to assist us in reaching our goals' brought responses such as

  • Begin with an understanding that we as leaders need to change;
  • Listen and pray;
  • Being an example and a teacher to help others to open the church door to everyone in the community by showing Christ?s love;
  • Believe.

Clearly there was a lot of helpful information shared in this process.

One can observe from the comments that the Discipleship Adventure and Acts 2 framework are having a positive impact across the Conference. There is a desire for further expansion especially in the local church where further training is needed.

People are resonating with the intentional focus on making disciples with people inside and outside our congregations, and the need to move out from the fears that keep us from reaching out and from being open to persons other than 'us'. Overall there is a desire to go deeper, further and wider in living out the Discipleship Adventure.

At the same time, a number of comments mention the need for listening and being heard. It is clear from the responses that persons would like there to be more communication, conversation, training and mutual understanding from the conference with local church and conference ministries. This feedback is important, is clearly being heard, and needs to be taken seriously. In response to these concerns, we are looking towards:

  • Opportunities for conversation and dialogue with pastors and laity;
  • Furthering an understanding of the Discipleship Adventure as a framework for ministry;
  • Involving more clergy and laity in planning and development of resources;
  • Empowering conference committees to meet where they are in place and moving to form new Boards as directed by the Discipline.

The Connectional Table will meet next Saturday, Feb. 24 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Conference Center. I look forward to this time and further openings to be in dialogue with one another.

The Rev. Rod Miller is director of connectional ministries for the Baltimore-Washington Conference.




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