Connecting worship and daily living in Lent By Daniel Benedict Lent is a time of preparation for the initiation of people into the Christian life in baptism. It is also a time for the church to journey together toward Easter and the reaffirmation of the baptismal covenant. Lent is not about being miserable, sad and funereal in anticipation of Good Friday. The Sundays of Lent are not part of the 40 days of Lent and so remain little Easters, as are all Sundays. Fasting and giving up something can be part of Lenten disciplines, but so can taking on some things. How does your church help seekers and members to connect worship and daily growth in spiritual, relational, emotional and bodily fitness? The following is a gbwc_superusere that you might use as a model for yourself or your congregation to take an inward and outward journey. Adapt it according to what your church and community offer. -
Spend time in solitude each day. -
Share in the Lenten Series on Sunday evenings or other days. -
Read a book for inner growth. -
Begin to keep a journal. -
Focus on thanksgiving, rather than on asking, in prayer. -
Give yourself three hours to do something youve always wanted to do but didnt have the time for. -
Plan to visit a shut-in neighbor or church member weekly. -
Go on a retreat. -
Begin to recycle waste from home and workplace. -
Give blood. -
Rebuke the spirit of criticism and your own tongue out of control. -
Say NO to something that is a waste of money and time. -
Give up a grudge. -
Forgive someone. -
Read The Sanctuary for Lent, available through Cokesbury at (800) 672-1789. The complete list of suggestions may be found at . The Rev. Dan Benedict is the director of worship resources for the Center for Worship Resources at the General Board of Discipleship in Nashville. |
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