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Conference youth ready to ROCK in Ocean City (2)

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article reprinted from the UMConnection: Commentary
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January 7, 2004


VOL. 15, NO. 1


Conference youth ready to ROCK in Ocean City

This year marks the 10th anniversary of ROCK when United Methodist youth from the Baltimore-Washington Conference gather together to embark on a journey of faith and fellowship.

Miracles in Our Midst is the theme of the 2004 session scheduled for Jan. 23-25 in Ocean City.

It also describes how ROCK has developed over the past decade to become the largest gathering of United Methodists of any age in this conference.

What started as a small retreat for 300 youth in the Washington West District quickly grew through positive word-of-mouth advertising.

Within a few years, invitations were extended to youth throughout the conference.

By 2003, more than 3,000 sixth- to 12th-graders congregated at the Ocean City Convention Center.

I think ROCKs success can be attributed to a combination of diverse activities throughout the weekend, said Jeannie Rash, youth coordinator for the Baltimore West District.

Events include praise and worship services, break-out sessions on current topics, small group sharing, devotions, music ministry and renowned motivational speakers.

This variety, said Rash, allows participants to respond to Gods message on a level that works best for each individual. It is also a relaxed environment where youth can leave their normal busy routines to connect with Jesus, she said. To me, the amazing thing about ROCK is that although it is a huge event, it has a small feel about it.

It is an exciting way for young people to connect with God, said Tom Price, the conference director of youth ministries.

While the numbers are impressive, individual stories from the participants illustrate the significance of ROCK on a personal level.

Ben and Jessy Carlson, 15-year-old twins from Oakdale Emory UMC, returned home full of energy and excitement.

They saw that it was very cool to nurture a spiritual faith in God, said their father, the Rev. Roger Carlson.

They were impressed with the motivational speaker, Reggie Dabbs. He talked to them on their level, Carlson continued. They loved the contemporary music, too.

Mpepera Simango, 17, of Northwood Appold UMC in Baltimore, is attending ROCK for the fourth year. Reggie Dabbs was also a key factor in drawing her back each time.

ROCK is a renewal for me, she said. I see how God works in Reggies life, helping him through difficult situations. I know that if God works for Reggie, he will also be there for me.

Simango likes ROCK so much that she is bringing a couple of friends from her school to this years event.

Aubrie St. Clair, 16, of Faith UMC in Rockville, has been returning to ROCK for six years.

It has helped me look at my life in a different light. I feel Gods presence and know that he is there for me when I face any challenge or struggle in my life, she said.

One newcomer to ROCK will be working behind the scenes at this years session. John Harrell, 16, also from Faith UMC, attended ROCK for the first time last year and describes it as a spiritual high.

I felt God in a new way, he added. Im usually fairly reserved, but I could unwind and be myself.

According to Price, a few multi-cultural surprises are intended to enhance the ROCK experience even further.

At the Saturday afternoon confirmation ceremony, a special gift will be bestowed on each confirmed youth. Malachite crosses, made in Zimbabwe, will be blessed and provided to each confirmand.

All participants will also have the opportunity to broaden their horizons at this years session with special guests from India and Zimbabwe.

The Rev. Newton Parmar, secretary of youth ministries for the Methodist Church of India, will bring eight young people to the retreat.

ROCK will also welcome the Rev. Samuel Dzobo, director for youth ministries from the Zimbabwe annual conference.

This international dimension to the program will enable all participants to discuss their faith in the context of larger cultural issues, Price said.

If any church is interested in hosting an international guest just prior to and following the retreat, they are encouraged to contact Price.

Price said he is very hopeful for the future of the church given the level of enthusiasm and commitment shown by the youth who attend ROCK. The church, he said, is going to be in good hands.

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