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Conference video wins award

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article reprinted from the UMConnection: Commentary
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November 19, 2003


VOL. 14, NO. 21


Conference video wins award

The Baltimore-Washington Conference and its co-director of communications, John Coleman, were recently honored by the United Methodist Association of Communicators for the production of the video Repair the Breach: Restore Gods Community.

Coleman was given an Award of Excellence and Best of Division prize naming Repair the Breach: Restore Gods Community the best video produced in the United Methodist Church during the past year in the category of videos costing more than $10,000.

The award was presented at the United Methodist Association of Communicators conference in Philadelphia Oct. 31.

Judges remarked that this was an excellent video that shows a variety of missions in the conference. The tape is especially helpful in that it contains a long version, a short version and added materials, including a great session during which young adults spoke about the church.

Repair the Breach: Restore Gods Community was produced to be shown at last Junes session of annual conference. It features several ministries of the conference that are supported by apportionment dollars.

Several churches are also using the tape as part of their charge conference sessions this fall.

It is available for $10, by sending a check or money order, made payable to BW Conference Treasurer, to Conference Videos, Office of Communications, Baltimore-Washington-Conference, 7178 Columbia Gateway Drive, Columbia, MD 21046.

At the communicators conference, the UMConnection, the newspaper of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, was also awarded a Certificate of Merit for general excellence.

A complete list of the award winners is available at /umac/winners.asp.

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