Conference responds to transgender pastor
At the Baltimore-Washington Conference annual session members learned that the Rev. Drew Phoenix, pastor of St. John?s UMC of Baltimore City, was requesting a name change in keeping with a gender transformation he was undergoing.
'Last fall, after a lifelong spiritual journey, and years of prayer and discernment, I decided to change my name from Ann Gordon to Drew Phoenix in order to reflect my true gender identity and to honor my spiritual transformation and relationship with God,' Phoenix said in a statement to annual conference.
This name change was reported in the clergy session and in a document that was sent to conference clergy more than a week prior to annual conference.
A name change does not require that any formal action be taken by the church; and the Book of Discipline, which outlines church law, contains no policies that address transgender clergy.
Bishop John Schol, in the closed executive session of the clergy and later in the plenary session of 1,600 members, explained that about a year ago, he was contacted by Phoenix, who met with him to express the intent of undergoing a change in gender identity under the care of medical, psychological and spiritual advisors.
Phoenix, 48, met with small groups of church leaders at St. John?s, with the Staff-Parish Relations Committee and eventually the entire congregation, which has approximately 40 in worship each Sunday. The congregation expressed its full support for him to Bishop Schol.
To ensure he was in keeping with church law, the bishop consulted with other episcopal leaders from the Council of Bishops and an official from the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.
Over the past several years, the bishop said, membership at the church has quadrupled, stewardship has tripled, Sunday school and confir-mation classes have begun and the church is moving from a half-time to a three-quarter time pastoral salary.
As of July 1, Phoenix will be reappointed to the St. John?s congregation, Bishop Schol told the annual conference.
However, at the clergy session two requests for rulings of law were made to Bishop Schol that question how Phoenix?s name change was reported and his eligibility to serve as a pastor.
The first, by the Rev. David Simpson, of Bethany UMC in Ellicott City, asks for clarification as to whether a name change based on a change of gender identity should be listed in Question Number 91, which requires no discussion or approval, or whether it should be placed under another disciplinary question that requires consent and recommendation by the Board of Ordained Ministry.
'I just want the Board of Ordained Ministry to weigh in on it. In this case, is a transgender person qualified to serve,' Simpson asked. 'Under the current Discipline, the bishop probably acted correctly. But I want us to have a broader discussion, a denominationwide discussion of this issue.'
The Rev. Kevin Baker, of Oakdale-Emory UMC in Olney, said he was also seeking a more substantial discussion when he requested a ruling of law on 'whether transgender people are eligible for appointment in The United Methodist Church.'
'This is a complex and significant issue, we need to think through all the implications,' said Baker, who said he believes this may be an instance where medical technology has gotten ahead of theological considerations.
According to the Rev. Kay Barger, chair of BOOM?s Conference Relations Committee, 'The bishop?s ruling had to be what it was.
'There is nothing in the Discipline that prohibits, or even mentions, transgender clergy. If someone were to bring a charge against, or lodge a complaint, there would have to be action taken,' she said. 'But in this case there is nothing that questions Rev. Phoenix?s ability to be a pastor.
'We are all bound by the same covenant, The United Methodist Discipline. We?re bound by church law. It has to stand there,' Barger said.
Bishop Schol will issue the rulings of law within 30 days. They are expected to be considered by the denomination?s Judicial Council when it meets in October.
A FAQ sheet on Rev. Drew Phoenix and transgender issues is available on the conference Web site at www.bwcumc/transgenderFAQ.
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