Conference leads churchs decline We received some statistics at our house recently on comparative membership numbers for 1999 and 2000 published by the Office of Research of the General Board of Global Ministries in New York. The publication was called Background Data for Mission: Providing Data for Planning and Ministry. The decline in the denomination is presented in red ink in gross numbers only. Since all the numbers were presented without comparative percentages, I entered the numbers in Excel to see the result. It shows that the Baltimore-Washington Conference is the most rapidly declining conference in United Methodism. At 2.8 percent in one year, the Baltimore-Washington Conference is best at losing members during the time measured. I hope we get some analysis and investigative journalism here by the UMConnection and the various boards that share responsibility. Here are some suggested questions Id like to see answered: Why do we lead the entire denomination in membership loss? Who, specifically, are the committees and individuals who are responsible? What are the feelings and reactions of the conference members responsible for our lack of growth? What are they doing to reverse this trend? What can we do to help out here in the local churches? Kevin Condon Stablers-Vernon Charge, White Hall Editors Note: Conference statistician, the Rev. Jim Knowles-Tuell, reports that 4,000 members were removed in 2000 as a result of the congregational split at Resurrection Prayer Worship Center UMC. UMConnection has left-wing bias I am writing in response to Capt. Larry Lutzs letter in the Oct. 2 UMConnection. His comments about Jim Winklers remarks on Iraq and other articles in the paper that espouse radical left-wing viewpoints that condone unhealthy lifestyles (homosexuality) were right on target. I am in complete agreement with each of the points and have admiration for his publicly stating the obvious in this current environment where political correctness has run amuck. I for one have been guilty of simply trash-canning the UMConnection for its radical left-wing viewpoints rather than speaking up for the right side. CW4 Robert C. Housten, AUS (Ret) Saint James UMC, West Friendship Information about candidates biased As a member of the United Methodist Church, I was appalled to see in the Oct. 31 e-connection, the electronic communication from the Baltimore-Washington Conference, a link to a chart showing the views the Republican and Democratic candidates for governor on a number of issues of interest to United Methodists. The entries were biased and based on sound bites and negative advertisements rather than the facts. As an example, regarding Bob Ehrlich you said that he voted to eliminate the Department of Education. I dont think you can represent this information as unbiased news and I especially dont think that it should be placed on our churchs website. If you are going to say that you are providing information about the candidates then tell the whole story for both candidates not just the candidate that you are obviously supporting for governor. Why didnt you report about Bobs 1995 support of federal education spending legislation to channel more money directly into Americas classrooms, or his vote to increase Head Start investments 83 percent? Why didnt you mention his support of Title 1 aid for the nations poorest school, or his support of Pell Grant increases of 62 percent? Dont say you are reporting facts when you are obviously reporting the selected facts you want to report. In my opinion this is an example of our church getting involved in state affairs in a biased and improper way. John P. McConnell Graceland UMC, Dundalk |
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