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Conference giving still strong; rises 2.2 percent in early 2002

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AUGUST 7, 2002


VOL. 13, NO. 15



Conference giving still strong; rises 2.2 percent in early 2002


Apportionment income received at the Baltimore-Washington Conference continues to be significantly improved over last years record year-to-date, rising 2.2 percent in the first six months of 2002, according to a report given by the Rev. Jim Knowles-Tuell, conference treasurer.

He reported the rise in giving at the July 17 meeting of the conference Council on Finance and Administration at the Conference Center.

In terms of real dollars, he said, this means an increase of about $814,000. (See graph inside special Apportionment Supplement, page S3.)

KNOWLES-TUELLAs of June 30, non-apportionment giving had declined over its level a year ago. Knowles-Tuell attributed the decline to the Gibbons-Resurrection UMC appeal monies received in 2001.

In addition, more than $123,000 has been received from conference churches for disaster relief following the April tornado in Charles County.

In other business, CFA began steps to explore the possibility of buying the Conference Center. The current lease expires in 2006, and the current rent is about $480,000 per year, according to Knowles-Tuell. CFA members decided to check with the current landlord on possibly buying the property, located in Columbia, and report back to the conference board of trustees.

The council also took up an issue related to the Board of Child Care of the Baltimore-Washington Conference. Knowles-Tuell reported that the board changed its by-laws in June so that it could elect its own board members. Three new board members were elected by the Baltimore-Washington Conference during the annual conference session. They were not present or invited to the meeting where the amendment was adopted.

CFA members decided to draft a letter to the State of Maryland, stating reasons why the amendment should not be approved.

(Their action) violates their own by-laws and charter, said the Rev. Don Stewart, conference council director.

In addition, Knowles-Tuell reported that conference officials have not received an audit of the boards finances in two years, as provided for in the boards charter. Knowles-Tuell was asked by CFA to call the Board of Child Care and ask for a copy of the audit.

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