COMMENTARY: A Discipleship letter to young adults
The Discipleship Adventure is an inward and outward journey of following Jesus Christ as his disciples. The Discipleship Adventure carries itself out in about five ways. We become disciples by and through faithful celebrations, connections, development, service and sharing.
Let?s talk about faithful celebrations. How many of you young adults have sat in church and have felt like what was taking place didn?t have anything to do with your life at all?
The Discipleship journey calls us to work for worship that is lively, vibrant, effective and relevant. We want to intentionally plan and work for worship that empowers and uplifts. You, too, can be a vital process of congregational renewal by joining the Discipleship Adventure. Some things you can do are:
? Know that worship is something that takes place the entire week. In the morning on the way to class or work, pop in a worship CD in your car or make sure your iPod has some worship music that helps you settle and focus on God?s goodness. In your worship, I invite you to think about and reflect on one thing you are grateful for, one thing you are struggling with and one thing, big or small, God wants you to do for others.
? On Sunday morning or when you gather with the church, be patient with the process of worship transformation and renewal. If the hymns get boring, take the time to read the words and gain an understanding of their meaning. During the affirmation of faith, instead of reading it, affirm it with conviction and certainty. This is the time you inform the world what you believe. When listening to the sermon, look for ways to understand the Bible a little more, ways to live differently and above all, look for ways in which God is moving, speaking, acting and redoing. What have you learned new about God after listening to the sermon? Worship takes active participation from everyone who gathers.
? And remember that worship may be boring on some days, but Jesus Christ is never boring. It is Christ and the Spirit that enlivens worship.
Some of you love your worship experiences in church. Some of you are struggling with the experience of worship. Some of you are even considering leaving the church to find something more. I invite you to know that God is making all things new and God is doing that through you.
This adventure asks all of us to rethink what we understand about the church. We can do that with worship as well. Talk to your worship chair and pastor. Be kind, caring and sincere in your conversation. Volunteer to share your ideas about ways worship can be meaningful and exciting. Compliment worship participants when you have been moved by something they said or did. Let them know when things are meaningful and inspiring to you.
I know it?s not always easy. But God desires our worship and God desires our praise. God desires our walk on this journey. I?m ready to go. Are you with me?
Kevin Smalls
Associate Council Director for Young Adult Ministries
Baltimore-Washington Conference
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