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Clergy tour Air Force Two

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UPPER MARLBORO - When the invitation came from Brig. Gen. John I. Pray Jr. of the 89th Airlift Wing to come to 'Clergy Day' at Andrews Air Force Base in early May, the Rev. Michael McKinney of Union UMC was happy to accept.

'It was a tremendous experience,' he said. About 100 clergy persons from throughout the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area met with the base chaplains, had a great lunch, toured the base and climbed aboard Air Force Two, the aircraft that regularly transports Vice President Richard Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice.

As if that weren?t enough, McKinney was even more impressed when he was taken aboard a KC-135 refueling tanker, flown to the Outer Banks in North Carolina, and shown how the mid-air refueling procedures work.

Among other United Methodist pastors attending the event were the Revs. Stephen Tillett, Robert Walker, Richard Stetler, Kenneth Moore and Evan Young.


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