Clergy health declining
By Linda Green
United Methodist News Service
Fifty years ago, Methodist clergy were in the top five healthiest professions in America, and now they are in the bottom five least healthy.
'We cannot have a healthy church if we don't have healthy leadership,' said a United Methodist physician featured on a Web-log on Time magazine's global health update site.
Dr. Scott Morris, a physician, United Methodist pastor and executive director of the Church Health Center in Memphis, Tenn., said pastors and church members need to realize 'that the least healthy meal you eat every week is usually at your church' when it should be the other way around.
'The church ought to lead the way, not bring up the rear. If the church has to serve fried chicken in order to draw a crowd, then there is something wrong with the message.' Morris said.
Clergy health has declined to a point where attention is needed, Morris said.
Noting that America has an obesity crisis, Morris said if an adjustment is made for age and gender, United Methodist clergy are 20 percent heavier than the general population. 'That cannot be something that we are proud of; it has to be something that we do something about.'
Anne Borish of the United Methodist Board of Pension and Health Benefits said the denomination is engaging in a health and wholeness emphasis because the role of complete health - body, mind, spirit - is an important part of the ability of both clergy and laity to serve the church.
Although both groups have different stress indicators, it is harder to be a role model and serve the church if you do not have complete health, said Borish, manager of research and information for the board.
In an interview with United Methodist News Service, Morris elaborated on the piece in the Time magazine blog, titled 'God Does Not Want You to Be Sick' written by Christine Gorman at
Gormen describes Morris? work with individuals who believe that sickness is a part of God?s will and others who resist treatment because of the belief that God will take care of them.
Morris said American churches today have forgotten that healing was an important part of Jesus? ministry and the ministry of the disciples. Every church needs to have a health care ministry as it has a choir and Sunday school, he said.
The Book of Acts records 19 instances of healing by the apostles. 'If a church ignores having a healing ministry, then it is really not following through with the gospel,' he said. Each time the disciples came together, they were expected to preach, teach and heal.
The Church Health Center was founded in 1987 to 'reclaim the church?s biblical and historical commitment to care for our bodies as well as our spirits,' Morris said.
'Our mission is all about the church and trying to get the church reconnected with what John Wesley wanted us to be connected with, a call to discipleship and healing,' Morris said.
The center, which contains a clinic and a wellness center, provides low-income people with health care and encourages healthy living through a holistic ministry called the Hope Healing Center.
'We are the largest faith-based primary care clinic in the country,' said Morris, who is also associate pastor at St. John?s UMC in Memphis. For every dollar spent on treatment, a dollar is spent on prevention, he said, but the center is not a free clinic.
Morris told United Methodist News Service that all too often he and other doctors at the health center see patients who think illness is God?s will.
'I spend a lot of time trying to convince people that it is not (God?s) will,' he says. 'God wants us to be healthy and to live long and vital lives.'
As long as the 'as long as I got King Jesus, everything is OK' mentality exists, Morris said, there are going to be problems in taking care of people. Churches, he said, need to be involved in health care domestically and globally and 'in taking care of the body wherever they are.'
The United Methodist Church?s General Conference has passed a number of health-related resolutions on the importance of health care for all and on some of the issues that keep people from realizing this principle. Emphasis is on clergy wellness, malaria education, AIDS orphans and health care access.
The United Methodist Book of Resolutions says the denomination believes its mission is to continue the redemptive ministry of Christ, including teaching, preaching and healing. Christ?s healing was not peripheral but central in his ministry. The church, therefore, understands itself as called by the Lord to the holistic ministry of healing: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.
Among the eight action items that United Methodists are called to in a ministry of health and wholeness, the church is challenged 'to become advocates for: a healthful environment; accessible, affordable health care; continued public support for health care of persons unable to provide for themselves; continued support for health-related research; and provision of church facilities to enable health-related ministries.'
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