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Clergy Health A Priority

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Only 43 percent of conference clergy enrolled in the HealthFlex plan participated in the online health assessment and got a wellness exam in 2007, said Martha Knight, conference treasurer.
Only 43 percent of conference clergy enrolled in the HealthFlex plan participated in the online health assessment and got a wellness exam in 2007, said Martha Knight, conference treasurer.

Consequently, the conference was unable to receive the 5 percent reduction in healthcare premiums offered by denomination officials, a savings that would have been passed to the clergy. To receive that reduction required 60 percent participation by December 2007.

"In 2008, each of us needs to make this a priority and encourage our colleagues to do the same," Knight said.

Fifty years ago, Methodist clergy were in the top five healthiest professions in America, according to Dr. Scott Morris, a physician and UM pastor in Memphis. Now they are in the bottom five and the least healthy.

"We cannot have a healthy church if we don't have healthy leadership," Morris said.
What can clergy do?

• Make sure to get a physical each year, if you are over 40. Request your doctor to code the exam as a wellness exam. Under the HealthFlex plan, annual physicals are fee.
• Sign on to the HealthFlex Web site and take or update your data in the Health Quotient survey.
The survey/assessment takes 15 minutes to complete. It can be found at

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