Claim the power God has offered Acts 16:9-15 Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5 John 14:23-29 by Delores Oden | After reading the Scriptures for this week, my mind kept going to Micah 6:8 that tells us that the Lord requires of us to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God.As modern day Christians, our lives and ministries should illustrate the lives and ministries of Jesus, the disciples and the apostle Paul. We need to have their humility, sincerity and consuming passion for souls. And like Lydia, Paul’s convert in Macedonia, we should be workers of Christ, bringing forth the praises of him who calls us out of darkness into marvelous light. Lydia’s open heart was evident in her generosity and hospitality. Why? Because she was spiritually renewed and alive. She was under the power of the Holy Spirit. She begged to be of service. Are we spiritually alive? Are we allowing the Holy Spirit to operate in our hearts? Our primary desire should be to do what God wants. We need to be open to what the Holy Spirit tells us and allow the love of Christ to overwhelm us. As the voice and hands of God, it is our responsibility to let people know the truth of Christ so that they too might come to put their trust in him. As we face daily problems, as well as life’s major challenges, we need to ask and allow the Holy Spirit to transform us from within and work in every segment of our lives. It can give us peace of mind and convince us of God’s will. It is my belief that as we allow the Holy Spirit to grow stronger, deeper, wider and more pervasive, we will take on a new and abundant life that empowers us for continued ministry — ministries that help those in need, that bring about fairness and justice to all people and that help make modern day disciples. 'The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you.' (John 14:26) What Jesus said to the disciples he is saying to us today. Through the Holy Spirit he gives us power, grace and mercy to tell the story, to minister to his people and to build his kingdom. How wonderful it is to know that in Christ we have a solid hope and future. It is also comforting to know that God’s Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ, searches, inquires, seeks and investigates our hearts, thoughts and many feelings because he wants us to spend eternity in his presence. As we walk humbly, we need to continue to struggle together for justice, equality, love and mercy for our brothers and sisters throughout the world until we are able to celebrate the second time around with Jesus. Let us lift up God’s word and allow the Holy Spirit to make it clear. Let us claim what God has offered us through Jesus Christ to lead, gbwc_superusere and order our steps. Delores Oden of Asbury-Town Neck UMC is the associate conference lay leader. |
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