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Churches join Frederick District Campaign

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article reprinted from the UMConnection: News
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May 19, 2004


VOL. 15, NO. 10


Churches join Frederick District Campaign

  As of May 10, 40 churches are participating in the initial planning and education stages of the Frederick Districts Funding Future Ministry capital campaign. While that number represents 36 percent of the districts congregations, more are expected to join the effort, according to the Rev. E. Maynard Moore, campaign consultant and co-director of the conferences new Stewardship Center and Foundation.

The unprecedented campaign, which officially began in January, is designed to raise funds for local church and district projects, in addition to conferencewide development, renovation and expansion of churches and retreat and camping facilities. The Frederick District is the first to participate in the conferencewide initiative of district-based capital campaigns. Other districts, yet to be named, are expected to follow every three to six months, beginning in July.

As churches complete the planning and education stages, each of which lasts approximately six months, they will decide whether or not to participate in the final implementation stage. Congregational leaders are considering church building and renovation needs, support for youth and outreach ministries, and other local projects for fundraising, said Moore.

In addition, the districts goals are to raise $1.3 million to support conference development of churches and retreat and camping sites, plus $265,000 for district mission projects, which may include support for Habitat for Humanitys home building for low-income families in Frederick and Berkeley counties.

'Proper fundraising is never about money alone,' Moore said. 'It must always reflect a vision and commitment to long-range mission and ministry.'

In the planning and education stages churches consider their visions, challenges and financial goals for future ministry, while developing local campaign themes, materials and case statements. They also recruit and engage campaign leadership, focus groups, prospective donors, and volunteer solicitors. The church council or charge conference then decides if the congregation will move forward with implementation.


The Rev. Maynard Moore, left, listens as the Rev. Lori Hoffman Hays of the Doubs Charge discusses strategy with church members for participation in the Frederick District Funding Future Ministry Campaign.

Implementation involves soliciting major gifts, making direct-mail, telephone or face-to-face contacts with prospective donors, coordinating the campaign with the churchs regular stewardship education and annual giving, and holding campaign kick-off and victory celebration events.

Moore expects most participating Frederick District churches to be ready for implementation by January 2005, although some may be ready sooner and some later.

'We have discovered that churches are at various stages of readiness,' said Moore, 'which will be reflective of churches in other districts across the conference.'

He named four factors that influence campaign readiness and may ensure success:

  • Effective ministries in the community that involve a cross-section of members in different age groups.
  • Strong core leadership and broad, influential support for the campaign on the administrative board or council.
  • Fairly unanimous support in the church around a compelling vision for future ministry.
  • A good percentage of giving units in the church actively pledging and helping to meet the operating budget and apportionment goals.

Moore and Frederick District superintendent, the Rev. Wayne DeHart, together hold monthly 'resourcing events' for information-sharing at various churches around the district. The Saturday morning meetings, which average about 40 participants each, include discussions of campaign goals and strategies, biblical perspectives on stewardship and presentations on local and district projects that may benefit from campaign fundraising.

Moore is optimistic about the growing interest churches are showing in the campaign, including about two dozen requests he has received for consultations with individual churches.

'Weve been able to respond to every request so far,' he said. 'We encourage them to seek our help; thats the best way for any church to make an informed decision about its participation.'

'This is not a cookie-cutter process,' Moore explained, adding that churches must decide what timetable and what campaign strategies will work best for them.

Any church in any district may request assistance from the Stewardship Center and Foundation in exploring or conducting capital fundraising campaigns independent of the Funding Future Ministry campaign. For information, contact Moore at (410) 309-3481 or .



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