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Churches called to oppose the death penalty

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Churches called to oppose the death penalty

By Beth Reilly

While there are many social justice issues in which United Methodists feel compelled to engage, sometimes due to events and timing, it is appropriate to prioritize one issue.

At this time, area United Methodists are being asked to join other interfaith groups throughout Maryland to focus on the repeal of the death penalty. Now is the time to abolish capital punishment in Maryland.

Why now?

Since our state legislature established the Maryland Commission on Capital Punishment, there have been a series of hearings in which there was overwhelming testimony to support a repeal.

Among those who testified, attorneys explained how unfair and arbitrary the system is and statistics were used to show how Maryland implements the death penalty in a racially and geographically biased manner.

Furthermore, experts testified that the death penalty is not a deterrent, The costs of a death penalty are approximately three times higher (or $1.9 million more) than the cost of a comparable non-death penalty first-degree murder case.

Kirk Bloodsworth, who was wrongfully convicted and put on death row until exonerated by DNA, is living testimony that mistakes are made, and innocent people are sentenced to die.

Perhaps some of the most moving testimony was brought by relatives of murder victims who submitted a letter signed by 49 Marylanders who have lost relatives to murder.

The letter detailed how "capital punishment drags victims' loved ones through an agonizing and lengthy process. To be meaningful, justice should be swift and sure. Life without parole, which begins immediately, is both of these; the death penalty is neither."

State religious leaders also offered their faith-based testimony, pointing out that implementing a death penalty is not in the best interest of our society.

Bishop John Schol speaking for United Methodists, referred to the Scripture in Matthew 5:38-39 where Jesus repudiated the idea of "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth," and quoting Paul's words in Romans 12:19-21: "Never avenge yourselves, but leave room for the wrath of God; for it is written, Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

Bishop Schol told the commission that The United Methodist Church "opposes capital punishment and urge its elimination from all criminal codes" (Book of Discipline, Para 164 A).

The Maryland Commission on Capital Punishment will be making a recommendation to repeal, citing the following findings:

  • There is a real possibility of risk that innocent people might be executed.
  • The death penalty adds to the stress and trauma of families of victims.
  • Racial and jurisdictional disparities exist in Maryland.
  • The death penalty costs more than a life sentence without parole.
  • The death penalty is not a deterrent.

Although many legislators in the Maryland General Assembly support repeal legislation, some key legislators do not.

Repeal legislation must pass out of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee to come before the full Senate for a vote, and for the past several years, the committee has not had the needed votes.

Senators Mooney, Brochin, Stone and Simonaire need to hear from constituents.

Now is the time to contact our state legislators. Now is the time for our letters to have substantial impact. Now is the time to get our churches involved in this issue.

What can you do?

1. Contact your state senator and delegates. Go to to find out who represents you and send them a letter or call their offices to ask them to support the death penalty repeal.

2. Involve your congregation. Pastors are asked to set aside Jan. 25 as a Death Penalty Sabbath. A variety of faith-based resources, including relevant Scripture, a bulletin insert, and educational DVDs can be found at Consider setting up a table in your church lobby to encourage letter-writing.

3. Go to and sign up to join Maryland Citizens Against State Executions. This is an excellent way to stay informed and involved.


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