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Church women's forum brings differences to surface

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Twelve leaders in United Methodist women?s ministry gathered on the campus of Wesley Theological Seminary Sept. 21 to talk to one another, find common ground and discuss issues on which they don't see eye-to-eye.

Six were from the United Methodist Women?s Division, part of the Board of Global Ministries and the parent organization of United Methodist Women. Six others were from the RENEW Network, the women?s program arm of the Good News organization, a renewal movement that seeks to strengthen evangelicals in the church.

RENEW has been openly critical of the Women?s Division. The network claims the Women?s Division is out of step with its membership and that it promotes a partisan political agenda rather than sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The forum resembled a debate, with six women sitting on either side of a central podium, a fact that both sides quickly noted and disagreed on in their opening comments. The forum was initiated by RENEW.

Jan Love, chief executive of the Women's Division since 2004, said in her opening statement that the Women?s Division was not satisfied with the format because it was not conducive to 'Christian conversation,' but agreed to the format because RENEW required it.

Faye Short, president of the RENEW Network since its founding in 1989, said in her opening comments that she considered the forum to be 'Christian conversation, despite the format.'

Before the meeting, both sides had submitted questions, prepared answers and chosen speakers. A question was answered in a five-minute response, followed by three minutes for a rebuttal and a two-minute closing response.

Each side asked four prepared questions, covering such topics as the authority of Scripture, appropriate social engagement in the world, what tenets of faith are 'essential,' questions of accountability, the role of women in the church and how people view Jesus Christ.

In its first question, the Women's Division asked RENEW if 'Christians?can have legitimate differences about matters of biblical interpretation.'

Short said yes, 'but the basic truths of the Scriptures are settled.' The Gospel, she said, should never be reduced to just one of social holiness. 'Social holiness flows out of a deep relationship with Jesus Christ.'

Joyce Sohl, former chief executive of Women?s Division, agreed, but quickly noted that the Gospel of Jesus Christ 'is preached not only by word but by deed.'

In her life of faith, Sohl said, her eyes had been opened to new realities. 'Jesus challenged people of his day to think differently, to engage and act,' she said.

The next question, asked by the RENEW Network, dealt with the authority of Scripture.

Love said that members of United Methodist Women span the spectrum of theologies. 'There is room for everyone' in UMW, she said.

Love also noted that she does not consider Good News or RENEW to be religious extremists. Instead, she said, these groups are self-identified as 'conservative' and 'orthodox.' She wondered aloud if these labels carried with them negative connotations of placing restrictions on a woman?s possible leadership role.

RENEW?s response was offered by Janice Shaw Crouse, from Laurel, and a senior fellow at the Concerned Women for America in Washington, D.C. She said labels are an issue.

'In my experience,' she said, 'so many people from the left are talking the talk but not living it.' She added that it was distressing for her to pin specific definitions of fundamentalism or conservatism on groups or people. 'When people equate conservatives with fundamentalists or extremists, it shows an appalling lack of understanding.'

After the forum, both Short and Love spoke to the press.

'I feel good about the forum,' said Short afterwards. Any future steps would have to wait, she said, until RENEW could 'unpack what took place here. We?ll look at our options and see if further conversation is possible' in the future.

'I feel joyful, hopeful,' Love said. 'This was a demonstration that we are one body in Jesus Christ. We can speak to each other and try to listen to each other in love. This could be a model for the church ? can we disagree in love?'



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