Online Archives

Church opens full day care facility

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DAVIDSONVILLE - Davidsonville UMC opened its new preschool facilities in August. Crossroads Child Care Center is open from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, year-round. It currently enrolls 24 preschoolers and offers a program for after-school care for elementary-age children.

Crossroads is a ministry of the church, which sees it as an outreach opportunity in the community, said Linda Thusius Watt, the school's director. Some of the teachers are members of the church and one family, since enrolling its children, attends worship.

'It's a bit tricky when you do space sharing,' Watts said, but gives a great deal of credit for all the work church members have done and continue to do to make the ministry a success. Recently, for the children's safety, the church installed a keypad entry system.


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