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Church is deceptive about openness

Posted by Bwcarchives on
article reprinted from the UMConnection: Letters to the Editor
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November 22, 2002


VOL. 13, NO. 23





Church is deceptive about openness

The church has a campaign to recruit new members featuring the phrase: Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors. Websters Third International Dictionary defines open-minded as receptive of arguments or ideas; free from rigidly fixed preconceptions.

However, a potential member of The United Methodist Church who is free of rigidly fixed preconceptions will find orthodoxy in the denomination. Orthodoxy is defined as marked by conformity to doctrines or practices especially in religion.

The United Methodist Church manual, Lay Speaking Ministries: Basic Course 2001-2004 tells us, if you dont believe everything required by The United Methodist Church, seek a church that supports you in your beliefs.

I agree with Sir Walter Scott, Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

Donald V. Torr
Faith UMC, Rockville

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