NEWS | Church apportionment giving continues strong By Erik Alsgaard UMCONNECTION STAFF McPayten | Contributions to apportionments in the Baltimore-Washington Conference are ahead of the same time last year, according to Pier McPayten, conference treasurer. McPayten reported the good news during the Conference Council on Finance and Administration’s meeting Sept. 15. “In terms of actual dollars, giving is ahead by $466,542,” she said. “At the end of August, contributions were recorded at 53.27 percent, compared to last year’s rate of 52.22 percent.” “I am grateful for the generous giving of the Baltimore-Washington congregations,” said Bishop John R. Schol. “These gifts are helping us do dynamic life-changing ministry throughout our conference and around the world. This would not be possible without the commitment and generosity of our churches.” Apportionments, more commonly referred to as World Service and conference benevolences, fund the mission and ministry of an annual conference. This includes camping and outdoor ministries, colleges and universities, campus ministries, retirement and health facilities, urban ministry, and town and country ministry. Of each dollar placed in an offering plate, on average 86.5 cents stays in the local church for ministries and expenses. Approximately 4 cents goes to United Methodist churchwide missions, salaries and administrative costs. The remaining 12.8 cents goes to ministries in the annual conference and jurisdiction. Silberhorn to resign Oct. 15 Carole Chaloner Silberhorn, executive director of Pensions and Health Benefits for the Baltimore-Washington Conference, submitted her resignation in a letter to Rev. Dan Wright, chairman of the Board of Pensions and Health Benefits, Sept. 17. Silberhorn said that she will be leaving her position for personal and professional reasons. Her resignation will be effective Oct. 15. “We are grateful for her ministry with us and her many gifts, which she applied to her work on behalf of the conference over the past six years,” said Martha Knight, director of finance and administration. “I am sure all of us who serve with her as staff colleagues will miss her personally and professionally. We thank God for her service and pray God’s abundant grace upon her and her future.” According to Knight, Silberhorn will continue to work closely with conference officers and the pensions and health benefits staff until Oct.15 to ensure a smooth transition and transfer of responsibilities. |
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