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Christian workcamp forming

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PARKVILLE ? Several United Methodist churches in Baltimore County invite youth groups and adults to join the Baltimore County Christian Workcamp that will be held July 17-22.

For the past 21 years, hundreds of people, from ages 10 to 75, have come together in July for a blitz of building repairs on homes in Baltimore County.

There are at least 40 homes, referred from various county offices and departments, that need repairs such as weather stripping, insulation, roofing, scraping and painting, cleaning, plumbing and many other fix-ups.

Hunt's Memorial UMC in Riderwood will host a kick-off dinner at 5:30 p.m. July 17. Each morning of the week, Hunt's will serve breakfast before the workers depart for the sites. Each evening a different church ? Loch Raven, Hiss, Catonsville, Mt. Carmel UMCs ? provides a dinner for the volunteers.

Volunteers return to their own homes at the end of the day.

There is a registration fee of $25 for the week, or $6 a day. Organizers request that groups or individuals register by July 1.

For information, contact Chip Day at (410) 744-2794 or Frank Thomas at (410) 667-1725

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