Online Archives

Check your e-mail address

Posted by Bwcarchives on




Bishop John R. Schol will be conveying important information, as needs and opportunities arise, by e-mail to retired and active conference clergy, church lay leaders and lay members to annual conference. Much of the information coming from the bishop's office will be conveyed in this manner in the future.

Stewardship is one reason. The recent invitations to the 'Vision, Mission, Belief and Values' planning sessions, for example, were mailed only to those people for whom the conference does not have an e-mail address. In so doing, the conference reduced the number of envelopes mailed by more than 1,000.

However, some people have reported not being able to receive e-mail messages from the bishop when they are sent. Those experiencing this difficulty are asked to check the spam filter on their computers to see that their computers are receptive to addresses from

United Methodists in the Baltimore- Washington Conference are also encouraged to look at the conference's Web site,, for information, forms, events, registrations and more.

Conference leaders who have changed their e-mail addresses recently are asked to notify Sue Ball at .


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