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Chancellor's top 10 suggestions for clergy

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By Thomas Starnes
Special to the UMConnection

(Editor?s note: The following article was adapted by the Co-Chancellor (legal council) of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, Tom Starnes, from an original idea by the Chancellor of the Detroit Annual Conference, Renard Kolasa. Kolasa originally presented his 'Top 10' list during the clergy session at that conference in May.)

1. Don?t meet with children without another adult present, and don?t meet 'in private' with another adult unless absolutely necessary.
a. Use spouse, secretary, or others for protection.
b. Use windows in office doors or keep doors open.
c. Use imagination for solutions.

2. Don?t short-circuit the procedures required by the Book of Discipline, especially when it comes to property, personnel and financial matters.
a. We cannot expect civil courts to respect our rules if we don?t respect them ourselves.

3. Don?t sign for the church ? contracts, deeds, checks.
a. Check the Book of Discipline.
b. Limit personal liability.
c. Delegate; minimize personal overload.

4. Don?t handle church money, but understand and observe what is occurring.
a. Minimize embezzlement risk and temptation.
b. Insist on proper financial reporting, controls, audits and insurance.
c. Don?t raid endowment or restricted funds.
d. Use laity to preach tithing.
e. Ask for money for mission/program, versus need/budget.
f. Learn to understand a basic financial statement.

5. Use written contracts and policies.
a. See conference policies/handbook, Chancellor or similar forms.
b. Ask other churches for forms.
c. Reduce risk of treating people/employees inconsistently.
d. Use written 'at-will' employment agreements; use your SPRC committee.
e. Examples include: leases; child protection policy; gift acceptance policy.

6. Adopt a written anti-discrimination, anti-harassment policy; put up posters and provide steps for reporting concerns; follow the policy.

7. Beware of environmental issues in purchases and in mergers.

8. Act only in your area of competence ? don?t write wills; don?t give medical advice; don?t negotiate deals; get an attorney to review contracts; use a team approach.

9. Live 10 percent under your means ? although counter-cultural, this facilitates tithing and reduces the risk of divorce, bankruptcy, tax violations and embezzlement.

10. Never compromise your integrity ? that will poison your ministry, impacting you, your family, peers, the congregation, and the general public.
a. When in doubt, ask ? the district superintendent, peers, the Book of Discipline.
b. When in trouble, seek help as soon as possible; avoid denial. The sooner you come forward, the better.
c. Know and follow your mission statement.

Tom Starnes is Co-Chancellor of the Baltimore-Washington Conference. He is the son, brother and nephew of Baltimore-Washington Conference clergy: dad is the Rev. Thomas C. Starnes, now retired; sister is the Rev. Vicky Starnes, currently pastor of the Brunswick Cooperative Parish on the Frederick District; and uncle is the Rev. Luther Starnes, retired.



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