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Cemetery should be maintained

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article reprinted from the United Methodist Connection
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October 2, 2002


VOL. 13, NO. 19





Cemetery should be maintained

On the way to the Saving Station at Mt. Winans UMC in Baltimore, members of Camp Chapel UMC and I drove past the cemetery at Mount Auburn, which is owned by Sharp Street UMC. I was dismayed and ashamed to see the condition of the cemetery. It was so overtaken with high grass and weeds that it was impossible to even see the tombstones.

The United Methodist Church can and should do better. My husband is buried in a Methodist cemetery and I can only wonder how that site will be cared for in the future.

With more than 100 churches in the Baltimore-Harford District, it would require only two or three volunteers from each church to donate a day of labor to restore this site to the condition in which it should be maintained. This is the respect due not only to those buried there and to their loved ones, but also to those who reside in the community.

I would ask that a call be put out for volunteers. I believe Mount Auburn Cemetery can be restored to its former glory by All Saints Day.

Betty Day
Camp Chapel UMC, Perry Hall

Leave-taking service makes sense

I totally agree with the Rev. Ken Jones in the Sept. 18 issue of the UMConnection. We Christians make a mockery of our belief in life after death when we allow medical technology to prolong a life even though quality of life is no longer possible. To hold a beautiful service of voluntary departure such as he described makes perfect sense to me. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow after such a peaceful leave-taking.

Dottie Harrison
Ellicott City, MD

More than one side to Iraqi war

Is there any possibility of a fair and balanced publication in the Baltimore-Washington Conference? The UMConnection rarely seems to allow for the possibility that not all United Methodists espouse radical left-wing viewpoints that condone the acceptance of unhealthy lifestyles (homosexuality), welcome any ordained person to spread un-Scriptural messages from our pulpits (Spong), and most recently, attack a fellow United Methodist who just happens to be the president of the United States, a fairly high position in the world.

I resent a staffie, Jim Winkler from the General Board of Church and Society, in the Sept. 18 UMConnection, spewing his venomous opinions over half a page regarding the president of the United States attempts to protect the lives of our people, those peoples neighboring Iraq, and those of his own country who have been murdered by their leader, Saddam Hussein.

Winkler suggests that the United Nations, that body of diplomats whove allowed every mandate issued to Iraq to be ignored without consequence, be the gbwc_superusering light in solving one of the Middle Easts most dangerous problems. Better to ask Hollywood to fix it.

I am very sad that my fellow United Methodists, particularly those in southern Maryland, have to forcibly pay for Winklers salary, travel, benefits and retirement. Do Winklers views reflect those of the appointed members of the Board of Church and Society?

Capt. Larry G. Lutz, USNR (Ret.)
Lexington Park UMC, Lexington Park

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