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Campus ministry receives award

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FROSTBURG ? United Campus Ministry, under the direction of campus minister, the Rev. Larry Neumark, received the award for the 2005-2006 Outstanding Educational Programming Effort. The program, 'Stop the Hate Vigil' helped to raise consciousness about religious intolerance in the United States and around the world.

The event consisted of stirring music, poetry readings, a roll call of global hot spots of religious intolerance, personal stories of tolerance and a

closing responsive reading using the hopeful words to the song, ?We Shall Be Free,? Neumark said. A Jewish woman, a Sikh man, and an African-American gay Catholic were among the speakers.

Student and Educational Services of Frostburg State University presented the award and also nominated the campus ministry for Outstanding Community Service Effort, and Neumark as Outstanding Student Organization Advisor.


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